January 5, 2009

$403 Utility Bill….

Posted in A day in the life of me tagged , , , , , , , , , at 6:03 pm by tntwmom

Well, I marched my self to Douglas Cherokee this morning seeking assistance with the utility bill that we can’t pay.

“We’re out of money, try The Good Sheppard”. So I marched myself to them. They don’t help with Sweetwater Utilities, only Fort Loudon utilities. Great, I thought.

So I come back to Sweetwater to see if SAM’s (Sweetwater Area Ministries) can help with the bill. They will give $100 of help to a family once a year. They only go over applications on the 15th and then decide who gets help. That didn’t help right now though, as the bill is due tomorrow and it would probably be cut off by the 15th.

I came home and called anyone and everyone I could looking for help. No luck, at all. Everyone told me to call Douglas Cherokee. Apparently they’re the only place here that would be able to help me.

So, I blasted to everyone on my Yahoo Messenger list about my problems, asking for prayers that we could get this taken care of. I won’t ask them for help. There are so many work at home mom scammers that will take trusting people’s money and not care. That’s not me.

I put my truck on Craigslist for sale. Robert told me not to, but I can’t get it registered… so what good is it to me?? I doubt anyone will call about it since it doesn’t have a title… but I can try anyway, the light bill HAS to get paid, somehow!

I was talking about pawning the title to one of our vehicles… just to pay the bill.

Robert left and picked the boys up from school. I took Dakota in my room and we did his homework in no time. (Good job son!)

So, as I sat here whining to my good online friend Beth…. Robert brings me a little yellow piece of paper.

HE PAID THE LIGHT BILL! “OMG, how did you pay that?!?!?!?!?!” He says “with a credit card”.

Holy cow. I’m glad he paid it, but a credit card?? Oh well, at least it’s paid.

I told Robert that as long as we have electricity and food, we’ll be ok. It’s not like they can take the house from us (no money owed on it, Robert and his brother and sister own it).

Credit card companies can’t take anything, they’ll just call all day everyday asking for money that we don’t have, so oh well… sorry.

We own the vehicles, no one can come get them from us.

So, I’m not sure what the future holds for us… but at least we will have electricity for another month! YAY!